Granite State Ambassadors
Operations Survey Results – January 2019
152 responded
Download printable/formatted NHGSA Operations Survey 2019 Results
Hours volunteered since certified
Up to 50 18% | 50-100 16.18% | 100-250 9.56% | 250-500 14.71% | 500-1000 18.38% | 1000-2000 16.18% | 2000+ 6.62%
Hours accumulated in past year
<50 46.27% | 50-100 27.61% | 100-200 15.67% | 200+ 10.45%
Year certified as a GSA
2018 16.79% | 2017 12.41% | 2014 11.68% | 2016 8.03%| 2011 6.57% | 2010 6.57% | 2012 5.84% | 2015 5.11% | 2013 4.38% | 2009 3.65% % | 2001 3.65% | 2004 2.92% | 2008 2.19% | 2007 2.19% | 2006 2.19% | 2005 1.46% | 1997 1.46%| 2003 .73% | 2002 .73| 2000 .73% | 1996 .73% | 1999 0% | 1998 0%
Regions GSAs typically volunteer in
Manchester 46.15% | Concord Area 17.79% | Special Events 16.83% | Seacoast 5.77% | White Mountains 4.81% | Dartmouth/Sunapee 3.37% | Monadnock 2.88% | Lakes Region 1.92% | Great North .48%
Typical time traveled to volunteer
30 minutes 43.24% | <15 minutes 31.76% | 60+ minutes 10.14% | 45 minutes 8.78% | Other 6.08%
Number organizations GSAs volunteer for
2-5 48.91% | 1-2 44.53% | 5+ 6.57%
Employment / Residence Status
Retired 105 | semi-retired 14 | employed full-time 11 | other 8 | seasonal resident 7 | employed in tourism industry 2
Age group
60-69 44.2% | 70-79 39.13% | 80-89 8.7% | 50-59 5.07% | 40-49 2.17% | <39 .72%
Occupation prior to retirement
Teacher / Professor 32 | Management 19 | Administration 18 | Other* 18 | Customer Service 14 | Nurse 12 | Marketing/Sales 11 | Heathcare/Social Service 11 | Nonprofit 10 | Government 10 | Engineer 10 | Director/Executive 9 | Entrepreneur 7 | Accounting 5 | Event Planning 5 | Service 5 | Homemaker 4 | Hospitality 4 | Banking 4 | Agriculture 3 | Info Technology 3 | Military 3 | Investments 2 | Defense Contractor 2 | Database 2 | Childcare 2 | Fire/Police 2 | Legal 1 | Recreation 1
*Other: Manufacturing; Project Management; Realtor; Counselor; Telephone Company; Scientist; School Secretary; Transportation; Airline Pilot; Corrections; Technician; Administration Assistant; Grocery Store
Should we offer Lands End between normal bulk orders (more expensive)?
No 70.37% | Yes 29.63%
Should we have dressier option – button up shirts/blouses with black dress pants?
Yes 49.25% | No Preference 39.55% | prefer normal uniform 11.19%
When should GSAs receive 50 hour permanent badge?
When earned like shirts 41.55% | No preference 26.06% | AMBIEs only 23.24% | other 9.15%
Notable comments / themes:
Badges should receive as earned, but acknowledged at AMBIEs
Should have stricter uniform policy including color of shoes / socks
Need more consistency with uniforms – shirts vary in shade, design
Like multiple shirt companies – not all brands fit right or have the right size
Bring back pant color change at Ice Out & Columbus Day
Should only have green shirt requirement with any color pants including nice jeans
Badges should be earned at lower number of hours
Too much on shirts – embroidery is redundant of plastic badge. Hanging hours awards is too much.
Repost uniform policy for clarification, especially about sweaters
Like Harriton line of shirts
Best way to collect feedback
Online Form 65.03% | On-site Questionnaire 23.08% | Submit a Paragraph 11.89%
Were 2018 tours informative and relevant?
Yes 98.35% | No 1.65%
Notable comments / themes:
The blogs aside, if we had a data page on line of these places with (a) pictures (b) history (c) interesting facts (d) statistics, etc. that we could reference whenever needed, that would be VERY helpful. Could have an alphabetical index for easy reference. Could also include places outside of what the group has visited (i.e. that an individual sends in from places in their own communities).
After we complete a tour, spend time immediately after as a group to talk about what you learned and how you will use what you learned. Have someone be the note taker and share these notes with the tour participants and others. Keep an online scrapbook of each tour with photos, key information and the discussion of what was learned and how to apply it. Perhaps annually have a few interested GSA’s review the “scrapbook” to update if any of the locations have significantly changed or closed.
Number of Social Committee events attended
0 43.70% | 2-5 25.19% | 1 17.78% | Many 13.33%
Do social activities add to GSA experience?
Yes 58.09% | Unsure 37.50% | No 4.41%
Should number of social events increase?
Yes 61.42% | Not interested 38.58%
Would you be willing to help coordinate social events?
No 78.63% | Yes 32.37%
Notable comments / themes
Buddy system – ask a GSA who has attended social events in the past to greet, introduce and make a new participant feel included
Ice breakers / interactive activities at large group functions
Photo directory for GSAs
Liked when it was a simple meet for lunch
Smaller groups getting together for dinner
Personal invitations
Allow non GSAs to attend some tours
Discount night at a paint place or a GSA led instructional workshop or showing of their work
GSA Contact Directory to connect with other GSAs
Printable Directory (opt in) only available for download from online calendars 55.94%
Prefer to give permission for staff to share my information when requested 32.87%
Do not want my information available in any form 7.69%
Other 3.5%
How often read GSA newsletter
Every issue in full 68.66% | partially every issue 26.87% | headlines only 2.99% | every couple issues 1.49%
Like printable format?
Yes 89.84% | No 10.16%
Newsletter effective?
Yes 98.46% | No 1.54%
Would like to see more center specific news
Yes 62.99% | No 37.01%
Frequency newsletter should be published
Every other week 68.94% | weekly 15.91% | only when there is news 15.15%
Thoughts on blogs/articles / effectiveness
Like personal feel
Helping non-English speaking guests
Executive Summary at top
Give parameters for blogs – what to include, # of photos etc
About posting GSA promotional pages ie Authors
As long as they aren’t too commercial and self-promoting
Like featured segments on what GSAs are doing, quilts, woodworking, past jobs….
Interest in learning what Board of Directors is doing
Yes 78.29% | Not interested 21.71%
Seen new marketing materials
Yes 55.38% | No 44.62%
Which are most useful
All 32.92% | Rack Cards 23.60% | Volunteer Referral Cards 18.63% | Post Cards 17.39%
Are you a member of an organization that has regular speakers?
No 75.59% | Yes 24.41%
** please present on NHGSA or ask us to!
Outreach ideas
AARP and Senior Leadership – topics social isolation
Aging Conferences (UNH / Union Leader)
Lions Club
Email, Newspapers…
Rotary Club
Manchester Women’s Club
Magazines and local publications
Club Notes, Union Leader
WMUR Community Announcements
Importance of Perks
Perks don’t influence my decision to volunteer 67.69% | Specific perks determine where I volunteer 17.69% | No opinion 14.62%
Types of Perks or Rewards that would entice you to volunteer more hours or try a new center
Admission or tour of NH landmark
Expenses covered like parking, entrance fees…
Free or reduced price at local restaurants or hotels
Drive long distance to volunteer, perks are appreciated
Gift certificate
Free shirt at 1500 hours
Ski passes
Types of rewards / awards found most meaningful
Gift Certificates 72.36% | Pins 40.65% | Badge hang tag 27.64% | Public Recognition 16.26% | Certificate 13.82% | Patches 5.69%
Plan to participate in Explore NH Heritage Museum Trail program
Yes 56.45% | No 43.55%
Types of questions answered at your primary center
What can we provide to make answering questions easier?
List of what to do in downtime
Monthly event calendar
Clear transportation options, especially from airport **
Updated notes / more organized listings
Refresher training
FAMiliarization tours
Links directly off our website
Cheat sheets
Refresher for individual centers
Detailed maps
Downloadable files or books for each location
Bicycle maps
FAQ sheets
When on duty:
Time slot matters more than person I’m with 41.27% | Volunteer in pairs to meet new friends 22.75% | Volunteer in pairs with same person 19.05% | Volunteer alone 16.93%
In downtime on duty, like to:
Research NH events, happenings, properties 29.0% | Socialize 28.23% | have projects 21.77% | enjoy quiet time, read… 20.97%
Should NHGSA move towards a volunteer model where GSAs can earn ‘ranks’ to take a more active role in planning (committees, tours, education…) and leadership (event / center shift leader)
No preference 51/61% | No 28.23% | Yes 12.10% | Other 8.06%
Would you be interested in ‘walk-about’ type duties in downtown areas, parks, or festivals giving out local information?
Maybe 49.22% | No 33.59% | Yes 17.19%
Would you be interested in volunteering at a portable kiosk in downtown areas, parks, festival… to give out local information?
Prefer to be indoors in a center 39.20% | Yes if it’s a stationary booth 32.80% | Other 16.80% | Yes, if it’s lightweight and can be rolled around easily so I can move throughout area 11.20%
What would entice you to volunteer at:
NH State Welcome Centers
Being busy
Guests to assist, instead of busy work
Tours of centers and hear from staff directly what we could do to support them
Feel welcomed and valued
Being behind a counter
Additional available days – weekends are hard
Chair – hard to stand for 3 hours in lobby area
Like to volunteer in pairs
Hooksett North / South Centers
Free / discounted meal
Standing 3 hours is too much – need chair and counter
Nothing to do – they have staff
Guests stop for bathrooms, gas, food – not so much information
Reimbursement for tolls
Special training on specific topics – become a docent
Chambers / Association
Info session to meet staff and talk about duties
Need to feel needed, not just an extra body
Tours of area
Discounts at local businesses
Like helping with mailings etc
Invites to chamber functions – after hours, annual meetings, special events…
Educational opportunities
Statewide Events
Experience itself is a great reward
hours being reported for me
willing to travel further for events
Prefer to sign up on GSA calendar
Prefer GSA managed events with our staff person coordinating
Don’t like having to contact event directly to volunteer
Need clear instructions and expectations from outside event coordinators
How does being a GSA add or enrich your life?
General themes
Being part of something bigger
Meeting new people from around world
Being busy
Learning and expanding knowledge about NH
Helping guests / satisfaction of
Making new friends
Promoting NH – sharing passion
If you attended GSA Certification and intended on volunteering, but didn’t, tell us what stopped you and how we can improve.
General themes
Burnt out on over-volunteering
Health change
Work / family obligations
Not busy enough to be meaningful
Nothing near my home / commute time
Don’t feel have enough knowledge
Hard to get time slot I want at MHT
Being a Mentor / Mentee – can we improve experience?
General themes
Would like to see more formal program
Outline of what to cover during 3 sessions
Mentors should be willing to share knowledge more freely
Hard to break into groups of long-time GSAs
Personal invitations to volunteer with a mentor
Would you like to see regular educational workshops for GSAs?
Yes 89.08% | No 10.92%
Should these be held:
In person – half day 65.52% | online 51.72% | in person – full day 17.25% | none, I’ll read info on own 11.21%
What would you like to see as part of a GSA refresher?
Additional Comments:
Earn hours for attending trainings / meetings
Earn hours for travel time
Walk-About badges should say INFO instead of ASK ME
Customer service needs to be reiterated in some seasoned GSAs