
Blog: GSAs Journey to the North Pole

What a fabulous time a bunch of us had when we made our Journey to the North Pole. This year had a new twist to it.  Elves Kathryn, Sue1 & Sue2 were enjoying the drive up to Lincoln to volunteer for the Journey to the North Pole when an urgent phone

Blog: Learn about OLLI’s Spring 2025 courses

Kelly recently sat down with Tori Berube, Program Manager at OLLI to talk about their Spring 2025 course offerings and some exciting news for their organization. OLLI at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) is a member-driven, volunteer based educational program for lifelong learners who are eager to explore ideas

Congratulations to our Raffle Winner

Congratulations Samantha Stoddard!    

Blog: A Delicious Gathering at 900 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria

Photos: Recently, Granite State Ambassadors (GSA) volunteers had the pleasure of attending a special luncheon at 900 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria in Manchester. This generous invitation came from the restaurant’s owner, Priscilla Lane-Rondeau, who was inspired by the volume of guests our volunteers assist and the opportunities for referrals to


October 30th, we gathered together not just to celebrate the Granite State Ambassador organization, but more importantly, to celebrate you—your dedication, passion, and the countless hours you’ve invested in ensuring the success of this organization. View all of the photos at:    5 Year Anniversary: The Hotel Concord Class

Blog: A Fantastic Day!! A Tour at Potter Place, lunch at The Refinery and a walk in Philbrick-Cricenti Bog

  By GSA Sue Greenbaum   On Friday, October 5th, a large group of GSAs gathered in Andover, NH. On that beautiful day, the foliage was getting close to peak, and the sun was shining. The Andover Historical Society had opened Potter Place just for us, and members of their

AMBIEs 2024 Earned Awards

Below is the list of those receiving EARNED AWARDS for you to review. If you feel I have made an error (which happens!) or you are working towards a milestone and you are close enough to have the hours by Nov 1, let me know ASAP! You deserve your day

Become a GSA Volunteer

Please complete the registration form to become an award-winning Granite State Ambassadors volunteer. Click the REGISTER NOW button to sign up. If you don’t select a class, you will be added to our ‘interested’ list. Our next certification class will be in March 2025 If you register, you will be

Exploring Loon Mountain: A Granite State Ambassador’s Adventure

View all of our photos here. On August 2nd, a group of certified Granite State Ambassador (GSA) volunteers had the privilege of touring Loon Mountain Resort in Lincoln, NH. The purpose of the visit was to experience Loon as guests would, enabling them to better inform visitors at their welcome

Signing up for Mentor Shifts 2024

Granite State Ambassadors Visitor Center Volunteer Interest  Reach out to Kelly to schedule or facilitate your required mentor shifts (before you can schedule alone) with another GSA or staff member. If you want to volunteer in pairs for a shift that only has 1 GSA on duty – ask. We

Founder’s Legacy Fund

Dear Fellow Ambassador, On behalf of my fellow Granite State Ambassador founders, Judi Window and Peter Morgan, I want to thank you for all you do to showcase New Hampshire and serve our guests and neighbors. It was a pleasure to share our Star Island Founder’s Day excursion with you

Discover the Magic of Star Island: A Volunteer’s Experience

Click here to see all of our photos. Thank you Dave Geyer for the fabulous drone shots! Star invites you to sign up for their email list, so you can receive Star Island updates throughout the year. To do so, please email Chelsea at All you need to do is say

Volunteer at the New England Racing Museum

By: GSA Sarah Brown, 2011 Concord Comfort Inn Class Looking for an interesting place to volunteer? I’d like to recommend the New England Racing Museum in Loudon. After attending a general orientation in March, I have been spending a few days a month at the museum and having a great

Interview: OLLI – Fall 2024 Catalog Kelly Bryer, Executive Director of Granite State Ambassadors had the pleasure of chatting with Tori Berube, Program Manager for OLLI at UNH about their organization, it’s opportunities, and the upcoming Fall Catalog.

Blog: Exploring the White Mountain National Forest: A Journey with the Granite State Ambassadors

Our recent tour of the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF) was an enriching experience, offering our Granite State Ambassador (GSA) volunteers a deeper understanding of the diverse attractions and operations within this breathtaking region. Here’s a recap of our journey, accompanied by reflections from participants who joined us. View all

Blog: Exploring Crucial 10 Craft Cidery and Shamrock Grove Motel: A Day to Remember!

  View all of our photos: Hey everyone! We had the amazing opportunity to visit Crucial 10 Craft Cidery on Route 3 in Thornton, NH, after our fun-filled tour of the White Mountain National Forest. It was such a treat! We got to sip on some delicious cider and

Blog: A Tour & Tasting at LaBelle Winery in Derry

  by GSA Kathryn Segreti, League of NH Craftsmen Class of 2012 Stephanie of LaBelle Winery welcomed a group of Granite State Ambassadors at their Derry location recently. We had a picture-perfect day to enjoy the tour. The new tasting barn was our first stop where we tasted 4 wines

Blog: What a Glorious Day in the Monadnock Region

by GSA Sue Geyer, Currier Museum Class of 2010 On a beautiful sunny day in May a group of GSAs converged on 2 small communities in NH, Harrisville and Hancock for a lovely experience! We started at the Harrisville Inn with a tour and lunch. The owner and fellow GSA,

BLOG: Manchester Lodging Tour

View all of our photos here. On February 8th a group of GSAs boarded the Manchester Transit Authority’s Trolley for a tour of 4 Manchester Hotels and 1 Bed & Breakfast. It was an incredibly informative day and we wanted to share some of what we learned! Manchester Transit Authority

Blog: Exploring the Thrills of New England Motorized Racing at the New England Racing Museum On Wednesday, January 17th, a group of Granite State Ambassador welcome center volunteers toured the New England Racing Museum so they could better refer guests and as a new volunteer opportunity for them. You can view all of our photos HERE. If you’re a fan of motorized racing and