We are excited to meet you and wanted to share some information to help you get ready for our certification training. Your official class name – as it will read on your badge – is the GSA Silver Anniversary Class of 2021.
We hope that we can all gather in person for our last meeting in the Concord area from 9am-noon to give you your badges, bags and materials. We will have a virtual option as well.

Class meets on TUESDAYS, 9am-10:30am via Zoom March 30-May 4. May 11 9-noon in-person. We will be holding a Zoom orientation/training on March 23 9am if you are unfamiliar with Zoom or taking a course online. You can make-up classes via recording – must attend at least 4 live sessions
March 30 Live online – 1.5 hours: Welcome, NHGSA History, Getting to Know You, How GSAs Look at NH, NH State House History
Homework – worksheet on NH Firsts
April 6 Live online – 1.5 hours: Outdoor Recreation – 4 live presentations
Homework – 2-3 pre-recorded presentations
April 13 Live online – 1.5 hours: Attractions and Heritage Tourism – 4 live presentations
Homework – 2-3 pre-recorded presentations
April 20 Live online – 1.5 hours: – 4th Grade Quiz; Origin of Pineapple; Portsmouth Peace Treaty; NH Tourism & Trivia
Homework – Worksheet on our online resource guides (ExploreNewHampshire.org)
April 27 Live online – 1.5 hours: Falling in Love with NH – 7, 12 minute live presentations
Homework: Scavenger hunt worksheet – go through brochures virtually
May 4 Live online – 1.5 hours: Business, Industry & Education – 4 live presentations
Homework: worksheet & 2 pre-recorded presentations
May 11, 9-noon In-Person 3 hours: Hospitality the GSA Way, Why do People Visit NH; Hospitality from the Heart; How to participate as a GSA; Meet our Center Managers; meet GSA mentors; final exam; graduation; materials pick up.
If you are not comfortable coming in person – We will hold a curbside pick-up of materials after this class. Certificate will be mailed when you have completed watching the recording of this session.