25th Anniversary – November Recap

We enjoyed celebrating our 25th anniversary in November!  November was our Arts and Culture Month.  We participated in a tour, holiday events, and promoted arts and culture in the newsletter.


The GSAs participated in a Belknap Mill/Downtown Laconia Tour during early November.  The morning of the tour began with the Belknap Mill Society, who has worked hard to preserve the mill and educate the general public on its history.  Our GSAs learned about the production of socks at the mill and witnessed a demonstration of the large waterwheel that would power the machines.  

The afternoon portion was sponsored by the Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce.  This part of the tour began with lunch in downtown Laconia, where GSAs opted to eat at Burrito Me and Hector’s.  Then our GSAs learned about Rail Bike Adventures, located in the old Laconia train station and operated by the Hobo & Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad.  Next we traveled across the street to the Cake Theatre, a performance venue for Recycled Percussion.  This theatre was opened in 2021 as part of the band’s Chaos and Kindness Experience Theme.  Our third and final stop of the day was the newly renovated Colonial Theatre, which was finished in 2021 and looks beautiful.  Read more about this tour here.


For the duration of the first 10 days of November, we hosted our 5th Annual Experience NH Online Auction.  The auction had a variety of items from local NH businesses – from restaurant gift cards, to tickets for experiences, to museum passes, and more.  The auction raised almost $8000 and will help with operating costs for Granite State Ambassadors.

In addition, a group of GSAs helped out in mid-November at The Bridges House to decorate the house for the holidays.  It was a festive and fun-filled day.


Our Conversations with Emily series continued with an interview from the UNH Cooperative Extension.

Organizations Featured in our Weekly Newsletter

Each month, we highlight several topics in our newsletter.  In November, we featured NH Rail Trails Coalition, focused on Art of NH’s Rail Trails, as well as Laconia’s Colonial Theatre.

Upcoming Programs

December is Historical Resources Month.  We have some events planned, including a 25th anniversary celebration at the Statehouse!  There will be a photo opportunity with the governor and a Statehouse tour.  GSAs will be volunteering at the Made in New England Expo the first weekend of December.  We are also hosting a virtual program: The History of Agriculture as Told by Barns, based on a book written by John Porter, on December 15th.

About New Hampshire Granite State Ambassadors

New Hampshire Granite State Ambassadors add value to state agencies, local businesses, and individuals through a training and service support network that sustains and enhances the New Hampshire experience. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization, NHGSA serves hundreds of travel and tourism-related businesses.

Find out more about NHGSA, Inc. at https://nhgranitestateambassadors.org/ Our key partners are the NH Division of Travel and Tourism and the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport.