Hampton Children’s Fest
By: Sue Greenbaum, GSA Currier Museum Class of 2010
Three of us volunteered on the first day of the Hampton Children’s Festival – Sue 1, Sue 2, and Chris B. We were made welcome, introduced to staff, met our contact person, given parking passes, and assisted in parking in an authorized only area. We got to the stage area early to be able to watch the Magic Show, (a great show for kids and adults alike).
We were given instructions on our volunteer duties and were immediately put to work selling children’s tee shirts, handing out coupon books, and giving out information on the drawing of prizes of 2 brand new children’s bikes. Later on, some of us assisted with the excited crowd trying their hand at sand art. There was also some pretty awesome face painting going on near us, and before our shift was done, we were able to watch some very talented children perform Irish step dancing. We came with an extra GSA (3 of us) since Sue 1 had her 8-year-old granddaughter, Ruby, with us. They ended up with 4 assistants, with Ruby jumping in, modeling one of the t-shirts they were selling and helping with the sand art.
Our shift was over too quickly, and we walked across the street, up 3 stories, and enjoyed lunch on the terrace overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Afterwards, we had a blast sitting on the beach soaking up the sun and swimming in the waves for the afternoon. If this sounds like something you’d find as enjoyable as we did, consider signing up for the week-long festivities next year! But you’ll have to get behind us, as we definitely plan on being there again next year.