Heritage Museum Trail – NH Historical Society Museum
by Norma A, Winter Class of 2001
My daughter, a middle school teacher, and I visited the NH Historical Society Museum in Concord on June 26th. This was her 1st time inside the building and was quite amazed at the architecture’s condition and beauty. A volunteer for the society welcomed us @ the door and gave us a brief directive of the museum, and we were on our own way.
We saw magnificent paintings of people and places and descriptive histories of displayed items and doings. As we approached the 2nd level foyer (? sp) via the wide and easy circular stairway towards the NH Historical area, there was the original carved American Eagle looking over the gigantic plaque announcing the donation/origin of the building and an explanation that the original Eagle above was carved by LEONARD MORSE in 1818 and placed @ our capitol in 1819, he was given $50 for his marvelous work. This Eagle was replaced in 1957 with the present gilded Eagle ($3700) and adopted by the Historical Society.
Amidst our tour of Discovering New Hampshire”, there was a case with items regarding the historical lake and trains transportation. The 1860 advertisement for excursions on Lake Winnipesaukee aboard the “Lady of the Lake” with Captain Walker
noted the charges for round trips and it stated $.80 to/from Meredith as opposed to $1.25 to/from Plymouth.
I think the most impressive part of this tour was the magnificent building itself. It is true that there may not be as many items to see of today’s interest as there may have been in the former NH History Museum @ the Hamel Center, but this is a unique find and I am glad we were given the opportunity to browse, see and realize the names of our forefathers/mothers of NH and why we see references to them in our many streets, buildings, and surveyed lands across the state.
Thank you, New Hampshire!