NH Gives 2022


Hello to our GSAs, friends, and Industry Partners!  We wanted to share with you that NH Granite State Ambassadors is participating in NH Gives again this year!  NH Gives starts on Tuesday June 7th at 5 pm, and it runs for 24 hours, through Wednesday June 8th at 5 pm.  NH Gives is hosted by the NH Center for Nonprofits, and it is the state’s largest day-of-giving.  It brings together hundreds of nonprofits and tens of thousands of donors to raise as much money and awareness as possible for the causes served by NH’s nonprofit sector.  Granite Staters have the opportunity to give back to nonprofits like ours that give so much to our communities every day.

This year, the bonus pool for the fundraiser will operate a little differently.  NH Gives will award bonuses to all participating nonprofits based on the percentage of the overall NH Gives total they raise. For example: If a nonprofit raises 2% of the online NH Gives total, they will receive 2% of the Bonus Pool…if they raise 5% of the online NH Gives total, they get 5% of the Bonus Pool. Basically, the Bonus Pool ensures that donations go a little bit further during NH Gives.

Granite State Ambassadors is participating in NH Gives to raise money for our general operations fund, and your educational opportunities, in order to help us recruit and retain our volunteers.  This year, NH Granite State Ambassadors invested in its future by dipping into its savings to run at a budgeted $20,000 deficit. The deficit is due in part to the pandemic and lost revenue over the past 2 years.  We have an urgent need to increase our volunteer numbers to build back our organization after the pandemic.  Unfortunately, we currently only have about half of the active volunteers we had before the pandemic.  Our organization flourishes through the help of our volunteers at centers and events – we could not do any of this without all of our volunteers’ hard work!  Our partners are counting on our volunteers to make a great impression and to help them at centers and events, and we want to make sure we are able to assist them in the years to come.

This NH Gives campaign will enable us as staff to continue to support the organization, increase our revenue, and recruit and retain volunteers, and we need to maintain our staff as full time in order to further the growth of Granite State Ambassadors.  On behalf of Granite State Ambassadors, we encourage you to consider what the organization means to you, and how you can help support its continued success as we move forward into the rest of 2022.

As always, we love all our volunteers, we can’t thank you enough for your dedication to our organization, and we hope to see many of you soon this summer!  Thank you!