Hiking Lake Massabesic
By: GSA Linda Duquette, GSA Stark Brewing Company Class of 2017

The hike I’m writing about is on the other side of the Lake, off of RTE 121. The trail was called Philips Way. It is not marked, (no blazes on any of these trails). We decided to keep the water on our right side heading out, and keep the water on the left coming back. There are some beautiful granite boulders, dropped there from the ice ages. Some of which we had to climb, so keep that in mind if you hike this trail. There were some boulders that are over the water. What a beautiful spot to sit and reflect, take photos, have lunch. This hike, we were listening to the ice move. Sometimes it sounded like a seal. It was amazing and spooky at the same time. We followed a very narrow trail that just seemed to have ended, and it ended after we climbed up some rocks. So we headed back down, following a little bit wider trail, keeping the water to our left.
This hike was two hours roundtrip. Very easy hike. The rock climbing was not very difficult.
Now, at Lake Massabesic there are many trails, some are Fire trails, other trails go to the other side of the lake, (across RTE 121) which is the Manchester side. If you are looking for easy hiking, all these trails are for you. There are no trail maps. I searched the Internet, the only map they show is the trail out to Battery Point.
Hiking is fun.