Social Committee: Parker’s Maple Barn


9:30 am - 10:30 am

Event Type

A trip to Parker’s Maple Barn is always sweet!!
The social committee invites you to come join us for a Sugar Party at Parker’s Maple Barn in Mason, NH on Thursday April 6th at 9:30am!! We will have a guided tour of their 19th century Sugar House (~20 minutes) followed by breakfast. Everyone is on their own for the cost of their meal. You are also welcome to check out their Corn Crib Gift Shop before or after (it opens at 8am).  If you haven’t visited Parker’s, you are in for a treat, if you have, then you know it is a great place to revisit. All GSAs, soon to be GSAs and board members, are invited. For this outing, you may bring a friend or family member, please email Sue at with the name of your guest. These socials are a great way to visit places in NH, socialize with fellow GSAs and have fun. We hope you can attend!! Sign-ups will open at 8:30 on Tuesday March 7, 2023.